Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Spray pentru acoperire portiuni cu barbă rară

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Nanofibrele Toppik maschează rapid şi eficient părul rar şi subţire. Alcătuite dintr-o sursă de cheratină naturală, asemănătoare ca textură şi aspect cu firul de păr uman, sunt imposibil de detectat după aplicare, chiar şi privind de la o distanţă de câţiva cm.
Axându-se în permanentă pe calitate, Toppik a devenit cel mai cunoscut şi apreciat produs din această categorie, schimbând vieţile a peste 3 milioane de bărbaţi şi femei din întreaga lume, pe parcursul ultimilor 30 de ani
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Dacă nu ești 100% mulțumit(ă), returnezi produsele și îți dăm TOȚI banii înapoi!
Dacă nuanţa aleasă nu se potriveşte, îţi schimbăm gratuit produsul, în 24 de ore.
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Ai 5 metode prin care poţi să te bucuri de produsul tău favorit la un preţ redus.

Toppik este un produs natural ce are la bază nanofibre de cheratina pură, aceeași substanță ce formează părul uman. Nanofibrele sunt încărcate electrostatic astfel încât la aplicare sunt atrase ca un magnet de firele de păr, pentru a crea în final aspectul unui păr des și plin de volum. Având aceași compoziție si aspect ca și părul tău, sunt imposibil de detectat, chiar și privind de la o distanță de doar câțiva centimetrii.

Toppik nu conţine chimicale nocive sau aditivi, fiind astfel complet inofensiv şi fără vre-un efect negativ asupra părului tău. Tocmai de aceea este recomandat de către medicii dermatologi din toată lumea tuturor celor ce au probleme cu căderea părului, şi-au făcut un implant sau urmează un tratament pentru regenerarea părului, până la apariţia rezultatelor.

Toppik un produs unisex, fiind soluţia perfectă atât pentru femei cât şi pentru bărbaţi. Acesta se aplică uşor şi rapid , în doar 30 de secunde. Doarece sunt încărcate electrostatic, nanofibrele vor sta atât de tare fixate încă părul tău va arată bine şi câteva zile, până la o nouă aplicare. Iar fiindcă este rezistent împotriva ploii, vântului şi transpiraţiei, te vei veţi simţi în siguranţă indiferent de situaţie. Toppik este disponibil in 9 nuanţe de culoare:

Toppik se aplică foarte uşor, scuturând flaconul deasupra zonelor cu probleme sau folosind aplicatorul de tip spray. În câteva secunde, mii de nanofibre se vor amesteca si distribui uniform prin părul tău, rezultatul obţinut fiind echivalentul unui 'implant' de păr instant, însă la un preţ mult mai mic. Pentru obţinerea celor mai bune rezultate, recomandăm folosirea produsului Toppik doar pe părul uscat şi curat. După aplicare tasaţi puţin părul pentru a distribui mai bine nanofibrele. La final, poţi folosi un pic de fixativ, pentru un plus de siguranţă.

Pe baza testimonialelor şi a rezultatelor foto înainte/după primite de la clienţi, noi suntem pe deplini convinşi de eficienţa produselor marca Toppik. De aceea îţi oferim posibilitatea de a-l testa FĂRĂ SĂ RIŞTI NIMIC!! Dacă nu eşti complet mulţumit de rezultatele obţinute, ai la dispoziţie 30 de zile să îl returnezi şi să-ţi primeşti toţi banii înapoi. Deci nu ai nimic de pierdut!

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Wednesday, May 8, 2019

2500mW Laser Engraving Machine CNC Laser Printer

EleksLaser-A3 Pro 2500mW Laser Engraving Machine CNC Laser Printer

General Specification
 Brand EleksMaker®
 Model  EleksLaser-A3 pro 2.5W
 Material Aluminum Profile and Acrylic
 Packaging Size 58x40x14cm / 22.83x15.75x5.51inch (L*W*H)
 Assembled Product Size 60x46x18cm / 23.62x18.11x7.09inch (L*W*H)
 Package Weight 5.02kg
 Can Engrave Wood, Plastic, Paper, Bamboo, Ox Horn, Leather, Sponge Paper, etc.
 Can not engrave Metal, Stone, Ceramics, Glass, Reflective or Transparent Material 
 Certifications CE, FCC, FDA (Please contact us if you need them)
 Technical Parameters
 Laser Power 2.5W / 2500mW
 Laser Wavelength 445nm
 Control Board EleksMana SE
 Communication Port MircoUSB
 Laser Quick Replace Support
 Stepper Motor 42H34S-1304A
 Adapter Plug 2-Pin US Plug
 Power Input AC100-240V, US Plug
 Working Voltage DC 12V
 Working Current DC 5A
 System Support Win XP/7/8/10
 Engrave Mode Photo, Word, Scan, outline, Pixel Laser Engraving
 Supported Formats jpg, bmp, svg, G-code
 Control Software System EleksCAM (DO NOT use Benbox)
 Engraving Accuracy 0.01mm
 Engraving Area 30x40cm / 11.81 x 15.75inch (maximum)
 Engraved Object Height limitatiion                 No Limitation
 Function Ideal for amateur laser engraving usage, equipped with low light positioning and freedom positioning functions.
 Features 30X38cm ultra large engraving area,gantry shape design, no engraving height limitation.
 Three stepper motor drive providing faster moving speed.
 2500mW violet laser module with heatsink, high laser engraving power and long term available.
 can print any pictures easily

1. Machine Assembly & Connection: 
Click Here
2. Official Software EleksCAM Download & Instructions: Click Here
3. Operating Instructions and FAQs: Click Here
4. Laser Module Self-checking Tips: Click Here

Note (Please pay attention):
1. Please wear laser goggles during usage and avoid touching the laser directly with your eyes and skin!
2. The red cord is DC12v(+),black cord is GND(-), yellow cord is signal(S). Please make sure you know the wire position and connect to the ManaSE board correctly!
3. The warranty period of laser module is one month. If you have any quality problem(Except individual situation like using the laser module more than 30 minutes per time and casue the damage ), please feel free to ask our customer service for a help.
4. If your laser module has any problem, please DO NOT dismantle it without our permission. It will destroy the laser module.

5. If you have any quality problem about the machine, please feel free to contact us. Many operative problem can be solved according to your video and problem description. Thank you in advance.

Package List:
1 Set x 2500mW Laser Engraving Machine (Need to be assembled yourself)

Price: 239,99 US$

1. How to assemble the kit?
The whole assemble and operating manual link is here: Click here
You can also watch the video to do it: Click here

2. What software can support this machine? And what image format? Engrave Mode?
Supported Software: EleksCam
Supported Image Format: jpg, bmp, svg, G-code
Supported Engrave Mode: Photo, Word, Scan, Outline, Pixel Laser Engraving
Can I use other software like Candle, T2-Laser, LiteFire, Laser GRBL, etc?
This control board can support other software. 
But since some software may affect the chip, when you change the software to control the machine, there will be no response, and you can only use the original software. So if you want to use other software, please keep using it. When you change to other software, they may affect each other. Among these software, EleksCam is developed by official EleksMaker with the best compatibility and it's also easy to fix when something goes wrong.

3. What system can the EleksCAM support?
PC Windows XP/7/8/10 , Laptop is ok,too.

4. My laser doesn't work, what should I do?
If the machine does not work, it might because:
① The wire connection is wrong.Please check the connection like the picture shown.
② Your computer could not support the software.Please use Win XP 7/8/10 to check it.
③ Software problem .Please check whether wires are inserted rightly. And then check your data setting.
④ The kit misses some accessories. Please compare with the instruction and tell us, we will solve it once you send us the email. 

⑤ Laser module/ driver board/power supply is broken. Please check which part is the main problem, and then send us a video to prove it. Or you can send us a video about your software setting, working laser and driver board. We will analyze it and give you a solution.

⑥ Laser module self-checking tips link is here: Click here

5: My software shows: Not data, what should I do?
There might be two reasons.
① You did not open  Administrator privileges to run the software. Please try this.
② Your computer architecture is incomplete:check whether VC ++ and. Net and directX are installed, and have to turn off the virus.

6. Can I regulate the laser power or the laser power is adjustable?
Our new Mana SE controller board can adjust the power. Please download our ElekesCAM software to do it.

7. Can I upgrade stronger power laser module by myself? Can I extent rail frame?
Yes, you can. DC12V laser module can be installled on this machine. The red is positive. You can also extent the frame by yourself, but we do not provide rails. Please note that.

8. When I click arrow s to control the motors, it works. But when I begin to make it work with EleksCAM software,
    it does not move. What should I do?

The EleksCAM could move by hand but could not move when focus.The probelm is the area and language inside the system control panel.
Please set the format to English and United States.Then it will be ok. Detail is shown in the wiki link above.

9. My laser module is always on and could not turn off.What should I do?
Please try to connect the Signal(S) and GND(-).
If the laser module turn off, that means the laser module is ok, the problem might be the ManaSE board or software setting.
If the laser module is still on, that means the laser module might be damaged.
You can check as the video shown: Click here

10. If my laser is broken and I might find the reason(Or I could not find) . What should I do?
① Find the reason: Take a video to prove the part is broken and then send it to us. we will give you a solution according to your video.
② Could not find the reason : Check the Question 4 first. If the problem could not be solved, please feel free to contact our customer service with a video: The video should contain software setting, broken part details and the power-on machine. We will solve it asap.

Shipping Methods

Free Delivery to USA*(Up to 452 Grams)USPS directNo taxes or tariffs
Exceptional prices shipped at a speed you won't believe.Lighting fast UPS delivery offers great speed to the US, Brazil, Mexico and Canada.
Shipping Time
USA3-6 Business DaysFree Shipping *(Up to 452 Grams)
Canada7-10 Business DaysFast Low Cost Shipping
Brazil7-10 Business DaysFast Low Cost Shipping
Mexico7-10 Business DaysFast Low Cost Shipping

Payment Methods

We accept payment through PayPal, Credit or Debit card, Boleto Bancário, Installment, QIWI, WebMoney, Yandex Money, iDEAL, Sofortbanking, Giropay, OXXO, Wire Transfer and Cash on delivery (COD).

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  • 1) Login To Your Account or use Credit Card Express
  • 2) Enter your Card Details and click Submit
  • 3) Your Payment will be processed and a receipt will be sent to your email inbox
NOTE: Your order will be shipped to your PayPal address. Ensure you have selected or entered the correct delivery address.

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  • 3) You can pay your Boleto right away using Online Banking or print it to make the payment in any bank branch, ATM or Correios office
  • 4) Boleto process takes 3 business days for payment confirmation of your order

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  • Supported banks: ABN AMRO Bank N.V., ASN Bank N.V., ING Bank N.V., Knab, Rabobank, RegioBank N.V., SNS Bank N.V., Triodos Bank N.V., F. van Lanschot Bankiers N.

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  • 2) Enter your card details and click "Submit"
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  • NOTE:
    - Sofort is only available for orders shipped to Austria, Belgium, Germany.
    - Sofort payments can take up to 3 days to be processed. After the transaction has been confirmed, the status of your order will be updated from "Payment preparing" to "Packaging".

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  • 6) You will be redirected to your order confirmation page
  • Supported banks: ABN AMRO Bank N.V., ASN Bank N.V., ING Bank N.V., Knab, Rabobank, RegioBank N.V., SNS Bank N.V., Triodos Bank N.V., F. van Lanschot Bankiers N.

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  • 3) Print the ticket and make the payment at any of the OXXO convenience stores in Mexico

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